Tuesday, March 27, 2018


My mom, sister and I have been known to use this word with each other when we have random little things to discuss: miscy!

So here is a list of random things:

After making some beautiful bread - I'm afraid I've killed my starter. It looks and smells weird. It isn't rising - one morning I got up to peek at my dough and instead of filling the container {as usual} it was flat and tiny. Sad! I may be able to revive it - this is what I'm researching now.

This right here is why I cannot give any bread advice! I'm terrible with plants/gardening because they require constant upkeep and maintenance and sourdough is similar - I want to take good care of it and thought I was - so I'm a bit perplexed.

I like things that are very black and white and sourdough is very gray - it is always changing, there are many variables. So when I look for a straightforward "do this" answer - I find multiple such answers and then have to wade through them which I find tiring.

Update: since writing this, I tried to revive my starter and I think it has worked! Yay!

Every Spring, I can't believe how busy I feel - February was slow and lovely and March is leaving me feel like I've been run over! It feels like our calendar has exploded with all that is going on. This pace continues to not work well for me - I get done what must be done, but I feel sluggish and tense which makes it hard to maintain a joyful heart!

Shutterfly freebies: technically not 100% free because shipping is calculated on the order - but wow, they offer so many freebies! I only take advantage of a small fraction of them - some favorites are address labels, notecards and 2x2 inch magnets which make lovely gifts. If you are on their email list, they send out freebies all.the.time.

Some friends of ours are raising money for adoption and God gave me the idea to do a meal fundraiser. My kids have been helping me with this and I have been so encouraged at how they have jumped in to serve! We have offered this to families in our homeschool community to order dinner each week to be delivered the following week.

There is something very inspiring and motivating about seeing nine double-batches of chili assembled in an hour or fourteen breakfast casseroles in only about 20 minutes!

This week we're doing chicken spaghetti!

Have anything miscy to share?!

1 comment:

Huskerbabe said...

I love what you're doing for your friends! We adopted our two youngest and the adoption expenses ended up being three times what we were originally told. It was exceedingly stressful for us, so it makes me very happy that you are able to bless them in this way.