Here are my
sister and I in our matching Christmas Eve nightgowns in 1983!

I have fun memories of my Mom making us special pajamas that we got to wear on Christmas Eve! And, I've wanted to do this before now - but this is the first year it has gotten done! I made two little sets of peppermint stripe jammies for Emily and Rachel and am so excited to see them in them!

As I was making them, the feel of the gathered flannel reminded me of this nightgown, also flannel, and I hope it will create special memories for my little ladies as well. Anyone else carry on this tradition? I'd love to hear your stories about it!
The pajamas you made look so cute! Great job!! :o)
TamaraP. North Craolina
those are adorable. What pattern did you use? That is one more thing I am trying to fit in before Christmas! Our kids have always opened matching jammies on christmas eve!
I love the picture of you and Carrie. Such sweet memories!
What sweet pictures! The jammies are very cute.
My sister and I always had matching nightgowns at Christmas when we were little!
The ones you made look so cute!
I used Simplicity 9968 - it was the only one I could find with the little baby toddler sizes of pj's on it. The first set took me about 5 hours I think because you know how pattern directions are. But, the second set went much quicker.
Well, I wish I had the talent to sew or make clothes, I have always wanted to learn but we do buy the kids a new pair of pjs and they open them on Christmas Eve so they have them on the next morning, not quite the same but at least I have the tradition.
That is so sweet! I love the PJs you made! You did a wonderful job! I have done a little sewing..but still have a lot to learn. I would LOVE to be able to make things like you have done here!!! :) LOVE it!
This is a tradition in our home. My mom would either make us (when we were young and she had time) new jammies or she would buy us some. They were the gift that we opened on Christmas Eve. I have started this tradidtion with my 3 boys, I have not made them jammies (yet) but we pick out something that they will really like.
Thank you for sharing the memories!!
Oh won't the little ladies look cute in those red and white jammies?!? And how fun to check your blog this morning and see photos of my own little ladies! :)
Love you, Mom
Good job on the jammies, Monica! My mom used to sew coordinating things for my older sister and me while we were growing up. I think the funniest memory to reflect back on is a set of matching "long dresses" (think Little House on the Prarie here) that were wildly popular back in the 70s. They even had hand embroidery on the bodice. My kids crack up when I show them those pictures!
Those turned out just darling. And I must say those little sisters are pretty cute, too! =)
Another great job. love you!
Can't wait to see your little ladies wearing these!
Love them Monica!! Was this your first time making clothes? They look complicated. We have the tradition of new jammies for Christmas eve but they have always been bought. someday I might attempt to make some but I don't know. Clothes patterns kinda confuse me.
Goodness, those are cute! I can't sew that well :) But as young kids my mom always bought us pajamas and we were allowed to open one package on Christmas Eve...and wonder oh wonder, it was always jammies ! Now I do the same thing for my kids.. 1 girl and 1 boy... they get to open one gift on Christmas Eve, after church and guess what ?? It is always jammies !! LOL
Thanks for letting us take a look-see..they are adorable and I know the girls will be even more gorgeous in them !
They are so cute...
I dress my boys in matching jammies also! I got a great deal this year on adorable ones from gymboree! I can't wait till they wear year, I'll need three sets!
Those pajamas are just beautiful! I love the print you chose and the style is classic.
The pictures of you and your sis are just great! What great family memories you have to share with all of us!
They turned out so cute. I have simlar memories. It has been a while since I have made some for my chlldren.
I'm impressed. Those little jammies are adorable!
Our tradition is to let our kids open one present on Christmas Eve. It will always be a book about Jesus' birth and a pair of Christmas jammies. Unfortunately, mine are not hand made.
How cute! We do pajamas on Christmas Eve as well. I hope to make some next year for our kiddos. Thanks for sharing!
So cute, Monica! I had the same idea, but Old Navy was kind enough to help. I bought matching monkey jammies for my daughter and niece. Fun!
I remember my mom making my sisters and I flannel nightgowns - wish I could continue the same w/my kids - except I can't sew worth beans!
I LOVE seeing the old photos of my sisters (4) and me in other matching Christmas outfits my mom made for us girls.
Those are so cute! We used to get new pajamas every year before the first day of school. I don't remember getting them at Christmas, but it's a tradition I'd love to start with my kids. I need to learn to sew first.
Oh my gosh, y'all are so adorable!! We do give Christmas Eve jammies, this year I plan on making them though. The peppermint stripe is so cute and I am sure your girls will look like angels in them.
Thanks again for the inspiration!
YES - and thank you for the reminder! I always got new jammies for my son and daughter for Christmas Eve. This will be my granddaughter's first Christmas and I do believe I'll continue the tradition with her. Not sure now whether I'll sew them for her or buy them, but you can bet my little precious will have new jammies for Christmas Eve! :)
You and Carrie are adorable! What fun memories! :-)
Monica, those pictures make me smile and remember when I was little. The pajamas you made for your girls are the cutest I have ever seen! How adorable.
I drop by often to get inspired for crafts and to just be a better mother and wife in general.
Your blog is a beautiful place and clearly reflects your beautiful heart. Good job.
Just found this sweet picture of your and Carrie again as I was searching for a cute hospitality tray idea I saw once ago on your lovely blog. We are hosting my hubby's brother's family and I remembered you posting such a neat idea for when to host people to make them feel cozy. So many of your creative posts are bookmarked in my mind for later use! hee hee Anyway, just found this post again, and I'm praying for Carrie and Company to arrive in CO safely! Wish her a Merry Christmas for me!
Blessings Monica! Merry Christmas!
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